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Чернова:Агротехническа борба с плевелите

от Уикипедия, свободната енциклопедия

В зависимост от главната цел, която се поставя пред тях, агротехническите мерки се разделят на три групи: предпазни мерки, мерки за потискане на плевелите и мерки за унищожаване на плевелите.В зависимост от главната цел, която се поставя пред тях, агротехническите мерки се разделят на три групи: предпазни мерки, мерки за потискане на плевелите и мерки за унищожаване на плевелите.

Предпазни мерки Предпазните мерки са насочени към отстраняване на причините и на източниците за заплевеляване на обработваемите площи. По-важни от тях са следните:

Употреба на чист посевен материал За повечето култури (пшеница, ечемик, царевица, фасул, захарно цвекло, слънчоглед и др.) не трябва да се използват семена с чистота, по-ниска от 98%, а при люцерната - наличността в посевния материал на семена от кускута.

Правилно приготвяне на оборския тор Не се допуска торене с пресен оборски тор, понеже той съдържа кълняеми плевелни семена. При поддържане на оборския тор по време на съхраняването му във влажно състояние до превръщането му в полуразложен тор, какъвто трябва да се използва, някои плевелни семена губят кълняемостта си.

Навременно и качествено прибиране на реколтата При навременно прибирана на реколтата семената на плевелите не се оронват, а попадат в реколтата, откъдето по-лесно се отделят при почистването.

Унищожаване на плевелите в необработваемите площи Ако не се унищожават, те стават източник за заплевеляване на обработваемите площи.

Очистване на каналите и на поливната вода Поливната вода в каналите се почиства от плевелни семена или от цели растения чрез поставяне на щитове в местата, където водата тече по-спокойно в канала, и чрез отвеждане на най-горния слой, в който има най-много плевелни семена в специални утаители в близост до каналите. Самите канали се почистват от плевели чрез косене или чрез хербициди. По този начин площите, които се напояват, се предпазват от заплевеляване чрез поливната вода.

Противоплевелна карантина Чрез нея се предотвратява внасянето на плевелни семена от други страни чрез фуража, семената и плодовете. За целта на всеки граничен пункт има карантинни служби.

Мерки за потискане на плевелите С мерките за потискане на плевелите се цели да се създадат оптимални условия за развитие на културните растения, за да могат те да изпреварят плевелите и да потиснат развитието им. Към тези мерки спадат:

Използването на висококачествен посевен материал Необходимо е да се засяват изравнени, едри и здрави семена с висока кълняемост.

Спазването на срока на сеитбата За всяка култура във всеки район са установени оптималните агротехнически срокове за сеитба. Най-добре е, когато сеитбата се извърши през първата половина на определения срок.

Извършването на качествена сеитба Семената трябва да се засяват на определената дълбочина, която да е една и съща за целия посев, и да са равномерно разпределени по площта. Всички ботуши на сеялката трябва да изсяват еднакво количество семена. Междуредовите разстояния между ботушите на дадена сеялка, между две съседни сеялки в агрегата и между две преминавания на агрегата трябва да са еднакви.

Прилагането на съответна подготовка на почвата и на съответни грижи през вегетацията, които трябва да отговарят на изискванията, посочени в технологичните карти.

Прилагането на правилни сеитбообращения При редуване на култури, които не се заплевеляват от едни и същи плевели и се различават по технология на отглеждане, борбата срещу плевелите се осъществява без влагане на допълнителни средства.

Мерки за унищожаване на плевелите Целта, от една страна, е да се унищожат развиващите се плевели и, от друга - да се създадат условия за поникване на максимален брой нови плевели, които да се унищожат с обработките преди засяването на следващата култура.

Правилната система за обработка на почвата има голямо значение. При основната обработка с подмятането на стърнището се унищожават развиващите се плевели и се създават условия за поникване на нови. Дълбоката оран обикновено се извършва след поникване на плевелите (3-4 седмици след подмятането) и при нея те се унищожават. Ако след това има валежи, през есента се извършва култивиране (или дискуване) за унищожаване на новопоникналите плевели. През пролетта една от задачите на предсеитбените обработки за пролетни култури е също да се унищожат поникналите плевели. През вегетацията междуредовите обработки при окопните култури имат същата задача. Когато има многогодишни плевели (паламида, троскот, балур и др.), през лятото с няколко обработки през 2-3 седмици с постепенно увеличаване на дълбочината (първа обработка на 10-12 см, втора на 16-18 см и трета на 28-30 см) се постигат изтощаване и добро унищожаване на тези плевели.

Една от задачите на предсеитбената обработка за зимните култури също е да поддържа полето чисто от плевели. Постига се в зависимост от продължителността на периода от прибирането на предшественика до сеитбата чрез плитки обработки при масово поникване на плевелите.

Окосяването на многогодишните треви преди осеменяване на плевелите предпазва почвата от ново заплевеляване. Особено важно е това през първата година, когато тревите се развиват бавно и плевелите могат да ги заглушат.

Ръчното плевене е ефективно, но изисква много труд, затова се прилага само при производство на разсад.

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Краставици отглеждани в оранжерии - кога се пръскат и торят? Видове лапад - повечето видове са упорити плевели с мощни корени Бактерийно изсъхване по доматите Grrah!

Saltburn is a 2023 black comedy psychological thriller film written, directed, and co-produced by Emerald Fennell, starring Barry Keoghan, Jacob Elordi, Rosamund Pike, Richard E. Grant, Alison Oliver, and Archie Madekwe. Set in Oxford and Northamptonshire, it focuses on a student at Oxford who becomes fixated with a popular, aristocratic fellow student at his university, who later invites him to spend the summer at his eccentric family's estate.[4][5][6][7]

Saltburn premiered at the 50th Telluride Film Festival on 31 August 2023, then was released theatrically in the United Kingdom on 17 November 2023, and in the United States via a limited theatrical release on the same day. The film had its wide release on 22 November before its streaming release by Amazon Prime Video on 22 December, on which it became one of the most-streamed films.[8] It received generally positive reviews from critics and several accolades, including nominations for two Golden Globe Awards and five BAFTA Film Awards.

Plot In late 2006,[9] scholarship student Oliver Quick struggles to fit in at the University of Oxford because of his inexperience with upper-class manners. He befriends Felix Catton, an affluent and popular student who is sympathetic to Oliver's stories of his parents' substance abuse and mental health issues. When Oliver becomes distraught over his father's sudden death, Felix comforts him and invites him to spend the summer at his family's country house, Saltburn.

At Saltburn, Oliver meets Felix's eccentric parents Sir James and Lady Elspeth, his sister Venetia and Elspeth's friend Pamela, as well as Felix's American cousin Farleigh, with whom Oliver has had a tense relationship as classmates at Oxford. Oliver quickly wins over Felix's family (except for Farleigh) and his obsession with Felix grows. One night, he watches Felix masturbating in a bathtub and lustfully drinks the semen-laced bathwater. Oliver waves to Venetia and performs oral sex on her while she is on her period. Farleigh witnesses this and informs Felix, but when he confronts Oliver he claims nothing happened. At night, Oliver initiates sexual advances on Farleigh, threatening him in the process. The next morning, James evicts Farleigh after receiving a report from Sotheby's about his intention to sell some of James's valuables.

As the summer ends, Elspeth and James plan a party for Oliver's birthday. Felix surprises Oliver with a trip to see his estranged mother, causing Oliver to panic. Upon arriving at the family's house in Prescot, Felix realises that Oliver lied to him about his upbringing–his father is still alive; neither of his parents are substance abusers; and they live in a respectable middle-class suburb. Horrified and hurt by Oliver's deception, Felix decides not to tell anyone to spare his own family the humiliation, but orders Oliver to leave Saltburn after the party. During the celebrations, Oliver seeks to make amends with Felix by expressing his adoration for him. Felix rejects him and suggests he seek help.

The next morning, Felix is found dead in Saltburn's hedge maze. Oliver implies Felix's death was connected to Farleigh supplying drugs during the party, and James withdraws financial support from Farleigh and bans him from returning. Oliver mourns Felix and visits his grave alone, where he places flowers, lies naked on the grave soil and masturbates on it.

After Felix's funeral, Elspeth insists that Oliver extend his stay at Saltburn. Venetia, increasingly distraught and disturbed, accuses Oliver of destroying her family, calling him a moth, a serf and a spider. He attempts to placate her, but she eventually rebuffs him, disturbed by his growing impersonation of Felix. The next day, Venetia is found dead, having killed herself in the bathtub. Despondent over Oliver's continuing presence at Saltburn and Elspeth's closeness to him, James bribes him to leave, which Oliver accepts.

In 2022, Oliver reads about James's death in a newspaper. He subsequently has what appears to be a chance encounter with Elspeth at a café. She is delighted to see him again, insisting he return with her to Saltburn. After spending several months with Oliver, Elspeth becomes terminally ill. At her deathbed, Oliver confides in Elspeth that he is responsible for the tragic events at Saltburn. He had orchestrated his meeting with Felix at Oxford and even planned his encounter with Elspeth at the café, after which she bequeathed all her assets, including Saltburn, to him. Oliver comforts Elspeth and then murders her by removing her life support. Having now assumed ownership of Saltburn and the Catton family fortune, he dances happily naked around the mansion.


The film stars Barry Keoghan, Jacob Elordi, Rosamund Pike and Richard E. Grant. Barry Keoghan as Oliver Quick Jacob Elordi as Felix Catton Rosamund Pike as Lady Elspeth Catton, Felix's mother Richard E. Grant as Sir James Catton, Felix's father Alison Oliver as Venetia Catton, Felix's sister Archie Madekwe as Farleigh Start, Felix's cousin Carey Mulligan as "Poor Dear" Pamela, Elspeth's friend Paul Rhys as Duncan, Saltburn's butler Ewan Mitchell as Michael Gavey, Oliver's friend at college Sadie Soverall as Annabel Millie Kent as India Reece Shearsmith as Professor Ware Dorothy Atkinson as Paula Quick, Oliver's mother Shaun Dooley as Jeff Quick, Oliver's father Lolly Adefope as Lady Daphne Joshua McGuire as Henry

Production Development and casting

Writer and director Emerald Fennell Saltburn is the second film written and directed by Emerald Fennell, after Promising Young Woman (2020).[9] By January 2022, Tom Ackerley and Margot Robbie's LuckyChap Entertainment was in talks to produce, after collaborating with Fennell on her previous film.[10] In May 2022, Ackerley, Robbie, and Josey McNamara were confirmed as producers, while Rosamund Pike, Jacob Elordi, and Barry Keoghan joined the cast.[11][12] Fennell said that Australian actor Elordi "...did the most exceptional audition... He did such a genius, genius bit of observational comedy. He really really understood that for all of [Felix's] beauty and charisma, he's just sort of a spoiled little boy. He came in and just absolutely blew us all away".[13]

Carey Mulligan, star of Promising Young Woman, was revealed to be part of the cast in December 2022.[14]

In writing the film, Fennell wanted to sympathise with unlikeable people, saying

"the sorts of people that we can't stand, the sorts of people who are abhorrent—if we can love them, if we can fall in love with these people, if we can understand why this is so alluring, in spite of its palpable cruelty and unfairness and sort of strangeness, if we all want to be there too, I think that's just such an interesting dynamic."

She had long wanted to make her own version of films and books set in a country house, and set the film in 2006 to "really [knock] the fucking glamour off things" by setting it in the recent past.[15]


Drayton House in Northamptonshire was used as a primary filming location Filming began on 16 July 2022, with Linus Sandgren serving as cinematographer.[16] The film is shown in a 4:3 aspect ratio, with Fennell saying it gives the impression of "peeping in."[15]

Fennell was determined not to film in an estate familiar to viewers, and wanted to set the movie in one location, so aligning the filming with the film's plot, saying, "It was important to me that we were all in there together, that the making of the film in some way had that feeling of a summer where everyone loses their mind together...I didn't want to be constantly picking up and moving." and avoiding the need for post-production adjustments due to multiple locations.[15] Fennell was successful, with filming occurring at the University of Oxford at Magdalen College, St Hugh's College and Brasenose College and in Drayton House, Northamptonshire,[17][18] which had never been used for a film before. As part of the contract, no one was allowed to reveal the location of the house or the identity of its owners. Despite the house's opulence, the actors ultimately became familiar with Drayton's interiors over the course of filming and comfortable working in it, in order to convey the idea that this grand location was for their characters completely normal and simply their home.[15]

Costumes were designed with 2000s fashion displayed in the form of ostentatious jackets, rugby shirts, and loud jewellery.[13]

Music Main article: Saltburn (soundtrack) The film is scored by Anthony Willis, who previously scored Fennell's Promising Young Woman. The soundtrack was released by Milan Records on 17 November 2023.

Sophie Ellis-Bextor's 2001 song "Murder on the Dancefloor" was featured in the last scene of the film.[19][20] As a result, the song received 1.5 million streams on New Year's Eve on Spotify[21][22] and subsequently re-entered the UK Singles Chart at number eight on 5 January 2024 with 2.2 million streams, marking the song's best-ever streaming week.[23] The film also features Mason and Princess Superstar's 2006 track "Perfect (Exceeder)" and Tomcraft's 2002 track "Loneliness" which, in addition to "Murder on the Dancefloor", became trending songs, particularly on TikTok.[24][25]

Themes and influences The film focuses on excess and obsession. Fennell stated "I drew from my own experience of being a human person, who has felt that thing we all feel at that time in our life which is that absolute insane grip of obsessive love...But obviously I didn't quite go to the lengths that some of the people [in the film] do".[13]

Discussing the film's influences, Fennell has cited A Clockwork Orange (1971),[26] Cruel Intentions (1999),[26] Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca (1938),[26] and the novel The Go-Between (1953) by L.P. Hartley and its 1971 film adaptation.[26][27] She commented, "I think that I was sort of looking more at that British Country House tradition of The Go-Between and that sort of very specific British... sort of Joseph Losey world, where class and power and sex all kind of collide in one specific place."[28] Fennell cited Losey's The Servant (1963) as an influence because of its "undeniable erotic power" that "relies entirely on the threat of violence — not just literal violence, but a complete chaotic upending of the status quo."[29]

Patricia Highsmith's novel The Talented Mr. Ripley (1955) and its film adaptation (1999) have been oft-cited as an influence by critics due to the common themes of social class and the similarities between Oliver and Tom Ripley,[30][31][32] though Fennell herself has downplayed these comparisons.[28] Richard Brody of The New Yorker also found similarities to the novel Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh.[33]

Critics also pointed out that rich stylization and visual influences hold some aesthetic influences from Francis Ford Coppola’s Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992) and Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining (1980).[34] “Saltburn” has been billed as a sort of “vampire movie” by filmmaker Fennell herself.[35] For example, one scene that shows Oliver (Barry Keoghan) taking a bite out of his current prey: Venetia (Alison Oliver), the sister of his real obsession, Felix (Jacob Elordi) reads as a visual ode to Coppola's Dracula where Venetia wanders the fog-shrouded gardens of her palatial estate in a sheer white nightgown, staring up at Oliver's window, seemingly daring him to come down and have his way with her.[36] Fennell's Gothic visual style in general mirrors the mythical elements of Coppola's 1992 Dracula film about otherworldly seduction: the “Saltburn” garden scene especially parallels the carnal possessions of Lucy (Sadie Frost) and Mina (Winona Ryder), who are cosmically drawn to Gary Oldman’s Count Dracula; he inevitably sucks their energies away in a slow sapping of desire after luring each into the garden not of Eden but sin.[36] Actress Alison Oliver confirmed IndieWire during an interview that "the reference Emerald had was 'Dracula'" and also confirmed the use of a lot of fake blood during filming.[36]

Other critics have found similarities to Pier Paolo Pasolini's film Theorem (1968) and Stanley Kubrick's Barry Lyndon (1975), which also addressed themes of class, power, desire, and seduction.[37][38][39] Fennell described her satire of the British class system as "Barry Lyndon meets indie sleaze."[29]

Release Saltburn had its world premiere at the 50th Telluride Film Festival on 31 August 2023.[40][41] It premiered in the United Kingdom (UK) as the opening film of the 67th BFI London Film Festival on 4 October 2023.[42] It also premiered in Australia at SXSW Sydney on 20 October 2023.[43]

In the United States, Saltburn was given a limited release on 17 November 2023, followed by a wide release by Amazon MGM Studios on 22 November 2023.[30] It was originally scheduled to be released on 24 November 2023, but was moved up a week to take advantage of the initial positive response it received at its Telluride premiere.[44]

Warner Bros. Pictures handled the UK and Ireland release of Saltburn, with a 16 November release in Australia and a 17 November release in the UK.[45][46] The film became available to stream on Amazon Prime Video on 22 December 2023.[47][48]

Reception Box office As of 17 January 2024, Saltburn had grossed $11.4 million in the United States and Canada, and $9.6 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $21 million.[2][3]

In its limited opening weekend, the film made $322,651 from seven theaters.[49] Expanding to 1,566 theaters the following Wednesday, the wide expansion of the film was released alongside Napoleon and Wish, and made $684,000 on its first day of wide release then $301,000 on Thanksgiving Day. Its debut made $1.8 million on the weekend (and a total of $2.9 million over the five-day frame), finishing in ninth.[50] The film dropped just 16% the following weekend, grossing $1.6 million.[51]

Critical response

Barry Keoghan's performance as Oliver Quick was praised by critics. On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, 71% of 276 critics' reviews are positive, with an average rating of 6.8/10. The website's consensus reads: "Emerald Fennell's candy-coated and incisive Saltburn is a debauched jolt to the senses that will be invigorating for most."[52] Metacritic, which uses a weighted average, assigned the film a score of 61 out of 100, based on 53 critics, indicating "generally favorable" reviews.[53] Audiences surveyed by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "B−" on an "A+" to "F" scale, and those polled by PostTrak gave it a 75% overall positive score, and 42% said they would definitely recommend the film.[50]

The Guardian reviewed the film after its August premiere and again after its release. Peter Bradshaw gave it three stars out of five. He noted that it "boasts dazzling turns from Rosamund Pike and Carey Mulligan" but that "the heavily drawn-out ending feels uncertain".[54] Wendy Ide wrote that it "stars a miscast Barry Keoghan (he's way too old for the role)" but that "Rosamund Pike, as Felix's mother Elspeth, is gloriously rude; Archie Madekwe, as poor relation Farleigh, is a malicious delight". She awarded two out of five stars.[55]

Nicholas Barber, reviewing the film for the BBC, enjoyed the "outrageous, laugh-out-loud punchlines" but felt that "Fennell is prone to fumble" plot twists. Barber praised the "superb ensemble cast", especially Keoghan ("magnetic"), Pike ("steals the show"), and Elordi ("a revelation"). He concluded that "if you see it as a lurid pulp fantasy rather than a penetrating satire, then Saltburn is deliriously enjoyable" and awarded four out of five stars.[7] Empire also praised the charismatic ensemble cast and gave the film three out of five stars. In her review, Sophie Butcher reported that "Saltburn looks divine. Fennell's eye is extraordinary, and alongside cinematographer Linus Sandgren, she captures the grand beauty of her architectural locations impeccably" but was disappointed that "scenes often build to reach the cusp of something truly electric, but are let down by clunky dialogue."[56]

Writing in Sight and Sound, Sophie Monks Kaufman found that "the story's superficial treatment of its characters ... becomes increasingly ruinous" and that "the most menacing thing anyone can muster here is a passive-aggressive karaoke choice". She was also underwhelmed by the film's "ostentatious visual language".[6] However, Entertainment Weekly columnist Maureen Lee Lenker gave Saltburn an "A", saying the film is a "Gothic thriller dusted with poisonous candy-pop glitter…Its endless visual and literary layers will bring its ardent admirers back to it again and again, because it is a triumph of the cinema of excess, in all its orgiastic, unapologetic glory."[57]

arry Keoghan

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Tools Page semi-protected From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Barry Keoghan

Keoghan in 2024 Born 17 October 1992 (age 31) Dublin, Ireland Occupation Actor Years active 2011–present Children 1 Awards Full list Barry Keoghan (/ˈkjoʊɡən/ KYOH-gən;[1] born 17 October 1992) is an Irish actor. He has received various accolades, including a British Academy Film Award, and was nominated for an Academy Award and two Golden Globe Awards. In 2020, he was listed at number 27 on The Irish Times list of Ireland's greatest film actors.[2]

Keoghan began acting in 2011 and gained recognition in 2017 for his roles in Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk and Yorgos Lanthimos's The Killing of a Sacred Deer. He gained praise for his performances in the Irish crime film Calm with Horses (2019) and in the fantasy film The Green Knight (2021). He expanded to big-budget films with his role as Druig in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film Eternals (2021). In 2022 he appeared in Martin McDonagh's The Banshees of Inisherin, for which he won the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role and received nominations for the Golden Globe and Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. Keoghan then starred in the psychological drama Saltburn (2023), for which he gained nominations for a Golden Globe and BAFTA Award for Best Actor.

He is also known for his television roles, including in the RTÉ drama Love/Hate (2013), the HBO mini-series Chernobyl (2019), the final season of the Netflix reboot Top Boy (2023), and in the Apple TV+ miniseries Masters of the Air (2024). Keoghan is an ambassador for Dior[3] and Barretstown.[4]

Early life Keoghan was born on 17 October 1992,[5] and grew up in Summerhill, Dublin, Ireland.[6] His mother struggled with drug addiction and died when he was 12.[7] With his brother Eric, he spent seven years in foster care, in 13 foster homes, before being raised by their grandmother, aunt, and older sister Gemma.[8][7]

As a child Keoghan appeared in school plays in the O'Connell School on Dublin's North Richmond Street but was banned for "messing about".[9][10] He attributes his film education to sneaking into films with friends at Cineworld, Parnell Street, from which he was eventually barred.[9] After appearing in Between the Canals, Keoghan studied acting at The Factory (now Bow Street Academy), a local Dublin drama school.[6] He remembers "not even having €2.20 to get the bus to The Factory" at the time.[9]

Career Keoghan began his acting career in 2011 when he answered a casting notice in a Sheriff Street shop window for the crime film Between the Canals. He portrayed Aido in a small role in the film, which was released in 2011.[9][6] At the age of 18, he appeared in the Irish soap opera Fair City.[10]

In 2013 Keoghan appeared as Wayne on Love/Hate.[11][12] The role earned Keoghan recognition in Ireland, and he went on to feature in '71 in 2014 and Mammal and Trespass Against Us in 2016.[13][14]

Keoghan in 2017 Keoghan appeared in two films in 2017. He featured as George Mills in Dunkirk and starred as Martin Lang in The Killing of a Sacred Deer alongside Colin Farrell and Nicole Kidman.[15][10] He won the Irish Film and Television Award for Best Supporting Actor for his work in The Killing of a Sacred Deer.[16] The following year, he appeared in Black '47 as Hobson, an English soldier stationed in Ireland during the Great Famine.[10] He also starred in American Animals the same year. He portrayed Spencer Reinhart in the film, based on a real-life theft of rare books from a university library.[10]

In 2018 The Hollywood Reporter described Keoghan as "the next big thing" for his film work in the previous three years. In 2019 he was nominated for the BAFTA Rising Star Award.[10][17]

He appeared in the 2019 mini-series Chernobyl.[12] He starred in an episode of Living With Lucy in September 2019.[18] That same month, his work in Calm With Horses was shown in the premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival.[19] In July 2018, Keoghan was cast as lead character Yorick Brown in the pilot of Y: The Last Man. He left the main series production in February 2020.[11][20][21] Keoghan played Druig in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film Eternals in November 2021.[22] He also appeared in The Green Knight.[23]

Keoghan appeared in Matt Reeves's film The Batman (2022), credited as "Unseen Arkham Prisoner". Reeves later confirmed that Keoghan was the Joker.[24][25] On 24 March 2022, three weeks after the film's release, Warner Bros. released a deleted scene featuring Keoghan's Joker and Robert Pattinson's Batman.[26] Keoghan received an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor nomination, and won BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for his performance in the 2022 film The Banshees of Inisherin, written and directed by Martin McDonagh.[27]

In 2023 Keoghan appeared in Emerald Fennell's psychological thriller Saltburn as Oliver Quick, the lead character, alongside Jacob Elordi, Rosamund Pike, Alison Oliver, Richard E. Grant, and Carey Mulligan. Keoghan received critical acclaim for his performance, and was nominated for the Golden Globe for Best Actor.

In March 2022 Keoghan was announced as the new ambassador for the Barretstown children's charity. He helped open the charity's new Aladina Studio funded by the Spanish Aladina Foundation.[4]

Personal life Keoghan is an amateur boxer.[28] From 2017 to 2020 Keoghan was in a relationship with Killarney native Shona Guerin, whom he had met on Good Friday in a Killarney pub where she was working.[29][30] The pair appeared on Livin' with Lucy together in 2019 in which Lucy Kennedy stayed with them in their Los Angeles home.[29]

In September 2021 Keoghan began dating Alyson Kierans, a dental nurse and orthodontic therapist, whose father is from County Cavan.[9][30] A few months later, on Ireland's Mother's Day, 27 March 2022, he disclosed that the couple were expecting a child together.[31] The birth of their son was announced on 8 August 2022.[32] The family moved to Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Scotland, in November 2022.[33] Keoghan said in a 2024 interview that he and Kierans had split in mid-2023.[34] In 2020, Keoghan was diagnosed with ADHD.[35]

Jacob Elordi

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Tools Page semi-protected From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jacob Elordi

Elordi in 2020 Born 26 June 1997 (age 26) Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Occupation Actor Years active 2015–present Jacob Elordi (born 26 June 1997) is an Australian actor. After moving from his hometown of Brisbane to Los Angeles in 2017 to pursue an acting career, he gained prominence through his role as Noah Flynn, the bad boy love interest of the The Kissing Booth film trilogy (2018–2021) on Netflix. He also became known for his main role as the troubled high school football player Nate Jacobs on the HBO teen drama series Euphoria (2019–present).

Elordi's supporting film roles in 2023 as Elvis Presley in the biopic Priscilla and as a wealthy university student in Saltburn earned him critical praise and a nomination for the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for the latter.

Early life and education Jacob Elordi was born on 26 June 1997[1] in Brisbane, Queensland, to a working class family consisting of his parents—John, a house painter who spent 13 years building the family's house, and Melissa, a stay-at-home mother and one-time cafeteria employee at Jacob's school—one older brother, and three older sisters.[2][3][4][5] John emigrated to Australia from the Basque Country at age eight.[6][7]

While a player on his school's rugby team, Elordi performed in school musicals starting at age 12, starring in productions of Seussical and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and he soon began taking acting classes.[8] He has stated that he was first inspired to become an actor by Heath Ledger, particularly because of his role in the 2008 film The Dark Knight.[9] He also played Oberon in a school production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. At age 14, Elordi started practicing his American accent, modelling it after that of Vin Diesel.[2] He attempted modeling at his mother's suggestion at age 15, but was told he was too tall to fit into the sample clothes.[10] Elordi attended the private Roman Catholic, all-boys secondary schools of St Kevin's College, Melbourne, and St Joseph's College, Nudgee, in Brisbane.[5]

Throughout secondary school, Elordi continued to play rugby until he broke a bone in his back during a match, which, according to him, pushed him away from athletics and toward acting.[10] He has stated that, after reading Waiting for Godot in a theater class at age 15, acting "became [his] church" and his personality changed as a result. His mother also encouraged him to pursue acting.[11] He was inspired by actors such as Marlon Brando, Laurence Olivier, Daniel Day-Lewis, Christian Bale, and Ledger and would read their biographies while emulating their behaviours.[12] He has stated that he "barely finished high school".[4] He later attended an acting school in Melbourne and moved to the United States in 2017 at age 19 to pursue a career in acting.[10][13]

Career Elordi's first experience on a Hollywood film set was in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales as an extra. His first acting role was on the Australian film Swinging Safari in 2018, playing the role of Rooster.[14] Elordi starred in the Netflix romantic comedy film The Kissing Booth, which premiered in May 2018, as Noah Flynn, a "bad-boy jock" and the film's primary love interest.[15] Despite largely negative critical reception, the film became one of Netflix's most-watched titles in 2018 and brought Elordi to widespread fame.[16][17] He reprised the role in the sequels The Kissing Booth 2, which filmed in mid-2019 in Cape Town, and was released in July 2020; and The Kissing Booth 3, which was released on Netflix in August 2021.[15][18][19] In a 2023 interview for GQ, he stated that he had not wanted to make them, calling them "ridiculous" and stating that he did them to "do whatever the fuck [he had] to do" to become an actor in the United States.[20][21] He also spoke out against his objectification as a result of the films.[22]

After filming was completed for the first Kissing Booth film, Elordi moved to Los Angeles. He helped a friend of his film an audition for a role in Sam Levinson's HBO drama series Euphoria, a remake of the Israeli series of the same name. While occasionally sleeping in his car and couch surfing at friends' houses with little money left and his visa expiring soon, he auditioned for Euphoria himself, with plans for it to be his last audition before moving back home.[23][16][9][4] He was then selected to play Nate Jacobs, a troubled high school football player with an abusive father, whom he portrayed from the show's pilot episode in 2019.[3][24] Elordi described the character as "a narcissist" and "a sociopath", while Clay Skipper of British GQ described the character as an antihero.[8][4] The role was described by Maanya Sachdeva of The Guardian as an "impressive career pivot" for Elordi and Samantha Bergeson of IndieWire called it his breakout role.[25] He also appeared in the horror anthology film The Mortuary Collection (2019).[26] Elordi then starred in Lance Hool's 2020 romantic drama film 2 Hearts as Chris Gregory, a Loyola University freshman and the film's narrator, opposite Tiera Skovbye.[27] Entertainment Weekly's Maureen Lee Lenker wrote that his performance in the film was "ham-fistedly goofy", while Owen Gleiberman of Variety opined that Elordi was "done no favors by being in" 2 Hearts, also writing that his portrayal of Chris was "so show-offy about his 'sincerity' he turns it into a form of smarm".[28] He appeared later that year as Paul Hogan's son in the comedy film The Very Excellent Mr. Dundee.[29] In 2022, he appeared as Charlie, a piano teacher and one of Ana de Armas's character's lovers, in Adrian Lyne's erotic thriller Deep Water, an adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's 1957 novel of the same name.[30][31]

In 2023, Elordi starred as Ian, a British film actor, in Sean Price Williams' drama film The Sweet East, which premiered at the 76th Cannes Film Festival.[32][33] Williams based Elordi's character in the film on Robert Pattinson following his role in The Twilight Saga.[4] He next portrayed a controlling Elvis Presley in the Sofia Coppola–directed Priscilla Presley biopic Priscilla, which is based on Priscilla's memoir Elvis and Me.[34] Coppola chose Elordi to play the role partially because of his "effect on women" during their first meeting, which she found comparable to Elvis's.[2] Priscilla premiered at the 80th Venice International Film Festival, where it was met with positive reception.[35] His performance in the film was often compared by critics to that of Austin Butler in Elvis (2022).[36][37][38] Richard Lawson of Vanity Fair wrote that Elordi "carefully calibrates Elvis's appeal and his pill-addled, domineering presence, his exacting demands and storms of frightening anger [in] a more enlightening take on the man than the one seen in Elvis".[37]

In his final release of 2023, Elordi starred in Emerald Fennell's psychological drama Saltburn as Felix Catton, a wealthy and charismatic British Oxford University student.[39][40][41] Critics from Empire, The Detroit News, and the Chicago Sun-Times described it as a star-making role for Elordi,[42][43][44] while Nicholas Barber of BBC News described him in the film as "a revelation" and Marshall Shaffer of Slant wrote that his performance was "the secret weapon of Saltburn";[45][46] for the role, he earned a nomination for the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role.[47]

In 2024, Elordi hosted an episode of Saturday Night Live.[48] The episode received mostly negative critical reception for what critics found to be a heavy reliance on jokes about Elordi's attractiveness.[49] Elordi will next star in Oh, Canada, a drama film directed by Paul Schrader, in which he will play the younger version of Richard Gere's character.[2] He will also play the lead role in a miniseries adaptation of the novel The Narrow Road to the Deep North[50] and Frankenstein's monster in the Netflix horror film Dr. Frankenstein, directed by Guillermo del Toro.[51]

Public image Starting with his roles in The Kissing Booth films and continuing into the 2020s, Elordi became known as a heartthrob[52][53][21][54] and sex symbol[55][10] for Generation Z in the media. Gabriella Paiella of GQ wrote that Elordi had "classic, undeniable leading man looks", while Larisha Paul of Rolling Stone called him "Hollywood's reigning heartthrob of the 2020s".[2][56] Esther Zuckerman wrote of Elordi in The Atlantic, "If you know two things about the Saltburn and Priscilla star Jacob Elordi, you're probably aware that he's very tall ... and very handsome in a classical way."[57]

For his breakout film roles of 2023, Ella Kemp of the Evening Standard described Elordi as "decidedly 2023's big screen golden boy".[58] Elordi's relationships, including with Euphoria costar Zendaya, model Kaia Gerber, The Kissing Booth co-star Joey King, and YouTuber Olivia Jade, also received widespread coverage in tabloids and on social media.[3][10][12]

Elordi was the face of Hugo Boss's Boss the Scent fragrance in January 2022.[59] In March 2023, he became a global brand ambassador for the Swiss watch company TAG Heuer.[60][61]

In February 2024, Joshua Fox, a producer for the KIIS 106.5 radio show The Kyle and Jackie O Show, alleged on the show that, after Fox asked Elordi for his bath water—a reference to his role in Saltburn—as a gift for host Jackie O, Elordi pushed him and put his hands around his neck.[62] As of February 2024, the New South Wales Police Force are investigating the allegations.[63]